After spending so many weeks wearing much of the same clothing you may have come to the same conclusion as us…we don’t wear everything we own! This AUG : Audit Unworn Garments. Editing every clothing category may be impossible during Covid times. You can still see your wardrobe with fresh eyes.

Fashion and clothing is meant to:
• enhance our best features
• combine beauty and function
• help us get into the mood
— picture your fitness uniform or think lingerie
If your clothes aren’t doing “all that”, take a good look at what gets to stay.

When we edit our stuff we ask:
• Have I worn it at least 20 times?
When considering a new purchase:
Will I get 20 wearings out of this?
Ask yourself about what you own:
• Is it worth what it cost?
• Is it worth the space it takes up?
Need our expertise while you curate, edit, and invest?
Schedule a virtual or in-person session with us to:
•. get clear on your best styles
• look and feel your best!
FYI: The longer we hold onto clothes before passing them on, the less valuable they are to others.
We are both sellers and consumers of pre-owned items. Whatever you call it (vintage, thrifting, repurposing, paying it forward) it has some major benefits.
Here’s why we’re fans of 2nd-hand clothing:
It’s smart investing! Buying second-hand means you are paying at least 30% sometimes 70% less than original asking prices. Your savings allow you to invest in better brands for the same or less money than 1st generation clothing.
• The better the brand, typically the higher quality fabrics and better constructed clothing…which adds up to longer lasting (if you’re shopping classic not trendy.
Regarding trends: buying 2nd-hand for accessories or accent pieces means you will pay less for time-limited fads while looking on point.
You’re not gambling with your money! Buy a known quantity when you consider the fit and wear.
• Pre-laundered clothes are tried and true.
Save yourself the surprise of a “new” size after washing.
Taking the guess work out of a purchase ensures you’re not wasting hard-earned money.

It’s good for Mother Earth! The health benefits to our planet are undeniable. Reclaiming clothing that would head to the landfills reduces toxins and carbon footprints. We could go on and on about how you’re saving the world’s labor market with 2nd hand purchases.
Our favorite 2nd-hand options for both selling and buying
• Local brick-n-mortar Clothes Mentor in Ardmore: tell Sharon we sent you
• On-Line ThredUp: easy to sell, easy to purchase