We work primarily In-Person; virtual organizing is an available option.
Don’t let clutter get in your way.
You want to live in a home that reflects your interests, values and aesthetic. Our proven techniques speed the decision process of what to keep and how to store it so you take back control. We offer take-away of many donation items and handle resale of higher value items.
Maximize your Storage
Wardrobe Closets: Our storage and fashion expertise moves you from a full closet with “nothing to wear” to a clear space with smart options. We’ll put what you need within easily reach. If you don’t need a full closet overhaul, call us to change your closets over seasonally.
Household closets and storage areas: Linen closets, play spaces, and craft areas get crowded and stop working after periods of neglect. Our sorting and categorizing skills create the most appropriate storage so you can find what you need and get on with life.
Set yourself up for success.
Conquer your piles and stop losing time searching for things. Together, we’ll set up a filing system that works. You’ll finally find what you need when you need it.
Talks and Workshops
Presentations over Zoom are customized to your needs:
Clearing Clutter Brings Joy Into Your Spaces
Right-Size with Joy In Your Space Plan Your Move in 5 Easy Stages
Time Management 3 Productivity Tips to Plan Your Time
Closet Organizing Wardrobe Storage that Reflects Your Life
Paperwork Systems 4 Approaches to Filing and Piling
ADHD in School and @ Home School Less is More: Lessons for Your Classroom
Event and Holiday Planning Plan Your Perfect ___________ (fill in the celebration)
Let’s collaborate on your next professional development program.
Help Moving In (AKA Joy In Your NEW Space)
New construction, relocation, and renovations create chaos in your life.
We bring calm and order to hectic transitions. In kitchens, pantries, bathrooms, and home offices, our expertise gets you up and running in no time.
If you’re getting ready for a move, we can help streamline your belongings and combine households before the movers arrive to pack. Once in your new place, we’ll turn your space into a functioning home with our swift unpacking, storage expertise, and ideal artwork and furniture arrangement.
Packing for Adventure
Vacations, summer camp, and transitioning kids to college bring their own level of stress.
Hire a professional packer so you can focus on the bigger picture. No journey is too short or small for our attention to detail.
Help Through Illness and Death
Dealing with health complications or a loss presents many challenges.
Grieving is a process which unfolds for each person and family differently.
Our experience allows us to be flexible and sensitive toward your situation.
• We clear the personal items within a loved one’s space using our resources for donation and resale. We smartly pack things for posterity.
• Loss (of life or independence) can strain a household; we’ll help structure an easier flow of everyday tasks to help families through a crisis.
Launch Your Child
Sometimes, when your child graduates (from any life milestone) the transition is overwhelming. While we are parents, we are not YOUR child’s parent — so tension never enters into our working relationship. We will quickly and sensitively help your college-bound child or graduate consider their belongings from clothes to memorabilia so they can move on to their next chapter treasuring their past without being burdened by it.
Staging for Open Houses
Our ideal layout of furniture, arrangement of artwork, and home decluttering allows a buyer to “see themselves” in the space. If you’ve already hired a stager but feel stuck following their instructions — we’re your “roll-up-your-sleeves” support.