Whether we intentionally adopt it, most of us follow a life script. It’s the set of values that gets “coded” into us and acts as the lens through which we see the world.
In our work as professional organizers, we often see people experiencing the frustration of disarray that borders on chaos. While part of the issue may be caused by a transition in their life (job change, physical move, new baby, or health crisis) the culprit is sometimes a different gremlin. You might call it a “bug” or “glitch” in their operating system; there’s something disrupting a healthier, more effective and efficient way of operating.
We don’t discard our machines when that happens! They just need a bit of an upgrade to their OS — a tweak to their code.
This is a good thing. It’s a modest yet powerful change. Upgrades allow for more. More storage. More opportunity. More positivity. More of whatever you want…with the freedom to achieve and attain it.
YOUR operating system may be stuck in a loop that isn’t serving you well. While we are not therapists, we do function in an intimate conversation with our clients, to move beyond their stuff and reclaim not just space in their offices, shelves, or closets…but also mental space to create the life YOU want.
You CAN be:
• An organized person
• Someone who is on time (with appointments and payments)
• Relied upon to follow through
• On top of your tasks
• Well nourished and well rested
Let us help you crack the code that’s holding you back.
Joy: 610-745-1236 and Kelly: 610-896-6896