

Rule Your Wardrobe in 6 Easy Steps

Pick one category of clothing that has become out of control, messy, or hard to access — think open shelving, dresser drawers and hanging areas of your closet. 

Fix your wardrobe problem with our easy steps:

1. Take a photo pictured above Capture your space to appreciate the after (and gain a chance to win!)

2. Empty your space pictured above

3. Examine each item:
• Is it wearable? (clean and flattering)

• Channel Marie Kondo and ask “Does it bring you Joy?”
• Create a donate pile
• Create a re-sell pile (via ThredUp or Ebay – ask us how)

4. Try on any questionable pieces
• Decide if they’re worth keeping

5. Refold or rehang clothes pictured above
• Group darks, lights, patterns together
• Storing similar styles together makes getting dressed easier

6. Take another picture
• Post your before and after on our FB page


All before and after images posted will enter you to win a prize.

Call to schedule your first appointment: 610-896-6896

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