

Let Go of Clothes

As featured author for NAPO-GPC (2nd month in a row!) I explain how to let expensive, sentimental, and inherited items in our wardrobes GO! You can read it here, or on the NAPO-GPC site: My role as organizer usually involves helping people:• live with less• have more within … Continue reading



Can’t Decide? Set it Aside…

Day 365 + ???? (who’s counting) of the pandemic and it seems like everyone is decluttering. We’re all trying to hold true to our reoccurring New Year’s Resolution to ”Get Organized.” Organized can mean different things to each of us … Continue reading



Get Organized Virtually

This blog originally appeared on the NAPO-GPC blog site where Kelly was the featured contributor. Between The Home Edit and Marie Kondo, everyone wants to tidy up. Coupled with sheltering-in and working from home for months, the desire to live with less and deal … Continue reading



Stressed Backward = Desserts!

While sheltering-in-place we’ve been spending a lot more time baking. And wouldn’t you know: I saw that catchy phrase after delivering my 5th batch of muffins in April. To avoid gaining the dreaded Covid-19 (think Freshman-15) I dropped off Tupperwares to my neighbor who appreciates my zero-sugar recipes. … Continue reading



Do Organizers Practice What We Preach?

We recently worked with an annual client: a mom who calls us in once a year to revamp the heavy traffic areas of her home as her family grows and her needs change. She asked: “Do you practice what you … Continue reading



What does the ‘organ’ in ORGANizing do?

Everyone knows that our lungs are the major organ in our respiratory system, that our brain is central to our nervous system and that our stomach and intestines are partners in our digestive system.  Wondering how that connects to organizing? Just … Continue reading



Avoid Laundry Overwhelm

As a residential professional organizer, I visit lots of homes. One household system that is quick to fall apart and overwhelm a person is LAUNDRY. I see on a weekly basis how the “putting away” is where the system breaks down.  … Continue reading