

September: Be Prepared, Not Scared

Since September 11, 2001, our nation has become aware of the need to be prepared. In 2004, FEMA introduced National Preparedness Awareness and named September the obvious observance month. In August, NAPO prepared organizers through a training workshop which Kelly attended entitled “Be Prepared NOT Scared!” led by Sam Levy, a wartime veteran and expert in army intelligence, search and rescue, and emergency preparedness. Sam led our group in a simulated crisis planning exercise aimed at comfortably surviving a week-long black-out — like so many local residents experienced during Hurricane Sandy. His number one lesson was Make a Plan! A guest from Homeland Security confirmed, Any family with a plan —even a flawed plan — has the better chance of surviving a disaster.

My takeaway lesson was Sam’s Rule of 3 AND I now store a pair of sneakers in my car in case I ever break down and am wearing heels! (Joy is always prepared since her tennis bag lives in her car).
The Rule of 3: In any emergency you have “3”…
3 minutes of AIR — while your brain is fully functioning to make a decision or react
3 hours to figure out your SHELTER situation — especially important in extreme weather conditions
3 days to survive without WATER
3 weeks to survive without FOOD
3 months to exist without COMPANIONSHIP and HOPE (remember Tom Hanks in Castaway and his “Wilson” invention!)





The links shared here offer instructions on how to prepare for any natural or man-made disaster. These guidelines are also smart preparations in advance of a family crisis.
• Use this engaging graphic website to create a family plan for emergencies. It even helps you figure out how to care for your pets:
• Check our blog for FEMA recommended guidelines in the event of an emergency:
You’ll learn how to Create a Family Plan and Stay in touch with Loved Ones

Permission to purchase duplicates!

• If it’s related to your ‘preparedness’ action plan — go ahead and BUY!
Water, protein bars, and canned goods (especially those that are full foods and don’t require cooking or heating to be edible) are great supplies to buy in bulk.
• Don’t forget you might not be at home if disaster strikes.
Keep a rotating supply of non-perishable energy-packed food in your car and on your person (this is a great habit for any parent!). Encourage family members to get in the habit of carrying a water bottle and a snack at all times.

Clear the Clutter for Safety’s Sake

With National Preparedness in mind, use our “eyes of a stranger” approach to your home. Make sure —  in case of a night-time or black-out emergency — to keep your floors, hallways, staircases, and egresses as clear as possible; you want to be able to get in and out easily and you want emergency personnel or neighbors unfamiliar with your home’s layout to have the best access in case you need outside help.

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