How I walked into my client’s house naked.
I offered to show her my project binder at our next appointment. I didn’t think much of our upcoming show-and-tell lesson until the morning of our appointment. Why was I so nervous? I realized the source of my fear: JUDGMENT! In a panic, I wondered: should I rewrite the pages? type up my lists? Luckily, sanity kicked in. I won’t change anything about how I’ve been using this system…IT WORKS FOR ME. (I did add a disclaimer Post-It note to the first page.)
My favorite Ben Franklin quote, “Done is better than perfect,” says it all, especially to us perfectionists. Get it done…don’t stress over how it looks. Franklin’s wise words also remind us:
1. Don’t judge a system by how it looks.
Even your organizer makes hurried and cryptic notes to herself.
2. Don’t get caught up in making things look pretty.
Pretty won’t get projects, errands, or phone calls completed.