In this final month of 2020 (hallelujah!) have some fun.
Play a Decide, Edit, & Curate game.
Set your own rules for what:
• comes in
• gets to stay
• has to leave

Even if you don’t use Twitter, we’ll bet you understand the rules: social posts of 280 characters or less. Constraints — however loose — provide structure for decisions. Designers, filmmakers, and museums cut and add elements to preserve the core of their message, design, or exhibit.
What rules ensure your home’s message is clear?

To play:
1. Fantasize what your closets, or countertops could look like if you consciously decided what to keep.
2. Look at what you use
3. Re-evaluate what you store
4. Focus on what you love:
Picking faves first relieves stress over letting go
Just for Fun:
Decide the rules of your Edit and Curate game as a family, couple, household or as roommates.
Use the In-1 — Out-1 rule religiously
• For every item coming INTO your home,
at least 1* needs to leave
* If you are starting out with an abundance
(or over-abundance)
follow In-1 — Out-5 items
til you manage the amount of your stuff.

Schedule a “get your game on” session to:
• clarify your rules
• learn to acquire less
• showcase your keepers