Consistency is a wonderful thing. We’ve consistently delivered a year’s worth of monthly-themed organizing advice.
In this twelfth and final month of 2018, try to Do Everything Consistently — DEC— and if not everything, how ’bout 12 things? You can follow any of the 12 things Joy and I are each VERY consistent with:
- Bedtime
- Connecting with Friends
- Taking Good Care of Herself
- Planning Ahead and doing anything that can be done in advance.
The only reason why Joy’s Thanksgiving table was not set until Wednesday was to honor her grand-daughter’s wish to set the table for her.
- Reviewing Commitments Daily – each evening to prepare for the next day
- Using Alarms so I don’t get too involved in anything or lose track of time
- Scheduling Things into my calendar so I have realistic expectations of what I can accomplish
- Being Green – I never mind taking time to recycle
- Making the Bed every morning
- Creating Lists (Kelly via Anylist, Joy on paper)
- Keeping a Calendar (Joy on paper, Kelly’s electronically)
- Admitting we are not perfect!Our secret: don’t beat yourself up when your consistency wanes. Get curious about WHY you haven’t yet mastered a new habit. Then adjust accordingly. Muscle-memory takes time!
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