In previous posts we’ve offered ways to declutter your calendar and time commitments. What about things that demand space and care in your life?
Follow this acronym for January: Justify Anything New
Justify New Purchases:
• Do you need it?…Now?
What would happen if you waited a week or a month and re-evaluated?
• What will it add to your life?
If you can’t say how it will enhance your life, how can you say it is worth it?
• Is it worth the money?
• Can you commit to maintain it?
People often forget to factor in the cost of maintaining something in its purchase price.
Justify Storage:
• Do you already have space for it?
• Do you have time to MAKE room for it? Can you wait until you have the room?
• Will you let something go to practice In One/Out One?
Make January your Just Answer No month…unless you can justify it.
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