

Meal Plan Magic

Ever wondered “What’s for dinner?”

Whet your appetite with this project: My client was absolutely overwhelmed with household responsibilities: feeding her family was the biggest burden on her plate.

an assortment of dishes for make your own taco nightMissed Opportunities = Wasted Time
She could never take advantage of her hubby’s offers to food shop on Sunday because she didn’t have a plan.

No plan + No Shopping List = Overwhelm
To solve this problem, we made a monthly meal plan that she could rotate. A challenge was eliminating multiple meals each night to satisfy everyone. (Can you relate!) We checked her prep times against her family’s schedule and promised a variety of protein sources each week.

Nancy’s plan included one meal for each night that everyone could enjoy:
• Quick and Easy meals (Q + E)
• Slow Cooker recipes (S-C)
• a few “requires assembly” meals
• regular dishes that were healthy and tasty

At first, I thought this exercise was just for Nancy’s sake…until I told my hairdresser what we created. When I saw her light up at the thought of having every weeknight dinner planned, I wondered if I should practice what I preach.




So I did. I swapped Nancy’s meals for my family’s favorites and checked assembly and cooking times against our evening commitments. I selected hearty soups, our penchant for stir-fry and the handful of quick + easy meals that would never bore us.

The first time I did my weekly shopping, I was giddy. If you like this idea, please call me: I’d love to help you create YOUR monthly meal plan!

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